Dario Ibarguengoitia
Mexico City,

Dario Ibarguengoitia has spent the last 35 years learning and working to improve the built environment and how buildings can have adequate Indoor Environmental Quality, with the best energy efficiency throughout their entire life cycle.

Mechanical Engineer graduated from UNAM, with a master’s degree in engineering from the Universidad Panamericana in Biodesign and Environmental Technologies.

Member of ASHRAE since 2008. In 2013 I obtained the ASHRAE certification of Commissioning Process Management Professional – CPMP until 2023 when I updated it to the Building Commissioning Professional – BCxP certification, which is still valid. In 2016 he obtained the ASHRAE High-Performance Building Design Professional certification. I have collaborated in the Mexico City Chapter since 2016, being President of the Chapter from 2018-2019. I continue to collaborate as Head of the Chapter's Government Relations Committee.

LEED AP BD+C accredited professional since 2009 and LEED Fellow of the class of 2019. Founding President of Sustentabilidad para Mexico – SUMe from 2011 to 2015, which is the Green Building Council in Mexico. Member of the Board of Directors of the World Green Building Council – WGBC from 2019 to 2023. Fitwel Ambassador from 2020, EDGE Expert and EDGE Auditor from 2022.

In 2015 I participated in the translation of ASHRAE standards and guidelines for Test, Adjustment and Balancing – TAB processes, I have given lectures at the ASHRAE congresses within the AHR in 2016, Monterrey chapter, “Commissioning – ASHRAE Gudeline 0”, AHR 2018 Mexico City Chapter, course “Fundamentals of HVAC systems”, AHR 2021 Monterrey Chapter, “Indoor Environmental Quality and its regulations” and “New era in pre-insulated ducts”, AHR 2022 Guadalajara Chapter, “Indoor Air Quality and ASHRAE 62.1” and “Energy Efficiency in LEED V4 and v4.1”, AHR 2023 Mexico City, course “Fundamentals of HVAC systems” and “ASHRAE 62.1 Indoor Air Quality”.

I have taught ASHRAE standards and LEED certification courses in El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, and Argentina. Subject teacher at the Northridge School México and the Universidad Iberoamericana Santa Fe campus.

He is currently a member of the Writing Committee of the Certified Decarbonization Professional – CDP exam at ASHRAE.

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) in buildings

Classification: Basic

Language: Spanish

Understand that when a building is designed, regardless of its use, the goal is to ensure that the occupants of these buildings can develop their lives and activities within them, in a way that is safe and promotes health.

The 4 fundamental elements that give a good IEQ inside spaces will be explored, based on the fact that, according to several studies, human beings spend close to 90% of our lives inside a building.

If we define the IEQ as: “Conditions within a building with respect to thermal comfort, air quality, visual comfort and acoustic comfort, as well as the effects of these on occupants in terms of their health, quality of life, stress reduction and potential diseases” it is essential to understand these four concepts and their implications for people, as well as the international regulations that help us achieve this.

Recommended audience:

ASHRAE members, those interested in the design and operation of buildings, to ensure that they are healthy spaces.

It is aimed at any type of building, whether residential or non-residential, and for regular occupation areas.

Fundamentals of HVAC Systems Course

Classification: Basic

Language: Spanish

Complete course based on the ASHRAE HVAC Systems Fundamentals book for beginners seeking to understand Air Conditioning concepts, basic design considerations, basic concepts of thermal comfort and indoor air quality, primary and secondary components of HVAC systems, central systems, different types of systems in general and their controls.

It is a course that is taught in 5 sessions of 2 hours, or it can be taught in 2 sessions of 5 hours to cover the entire syllabus of the Fundamentals book.

It is recommended that participants purchase the ASHRAE book to be able to make notes and follow up on the topics.

Examples of existing applications and projects will be given for your better understanding.

Recommended audience:

ASHRAE members, those interested in starting and/or improving their fundamental knowledge of HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning systems.

Operation and Maintenance of efficient buildings – Commissioning (Cx), Retro Commissioning and Ongoing Commissioning (OCx)

Classification: Basic

Language: Spanish

As part of the life cycle of a building, the majority of CO2 equivalent emissions into the atmosphere (GHG) occur in the operation of buildings, so it is essential to understand, analyze and bring to bear the building systems. to its optimal point of efficiency.

With the tools of the Commissioning processes, mainly for new buildings or renovations, Retro commissioning, for existing buildings and, above all, Ongoing Commissioning, to guarantee that there are no performance deviations and improvements can be made to the buildings, We will be able to bring them to their best efficiencies and, above all, document their performances.

If we want to achieve the Decarbonization goals of buildings, the first step is always their efficiency, bringing all systems to the best performance, reducing energy consumption to a minimum, developing appropriate system control sequences, and then proceed to compensate and mitigate the remaining direct or indirect emissions.

Recommended audience:

Members of ASHRAE, those interested in the operation of buildings, to ensure their good operation and maintenance. Responsible for the operation and maintenance of buildings.

It is aimed at any type of building, whether residential or non-residential, and for regular occupation areas.

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and ventilation for buildings (ASHRAE 62.1)

Classification: Basic

Language: Spanish

As part of good Indoor Environmental Quality, it is essential to provide good air quality inside buildings, to reduce health effects on building occupants.

Starting by understanding the Quality of the Outdoor Air that surrounds our project, with an analysis of the available information, or doing an analysis of outdoor contaminants for each project, we can determine the options available to apply correct ventilation to the interior of the building’s spaces.

In every interior space, there are always emissions of different types of pollutants, from the carbon dioxide that people emit, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), formaldehydes, carbon monoxide from combustion, etc. That we cannot eliminate, but with proper ventilation, taking CLEAN air from outside, we can dilute these contaminants to ensure that spaces have adequate air quality and are healthy spaces.

There are ASHRAE standards to help us design indoor air quality, ASHRAE 62.1, but there are also international and local regulations that can and should be used to document and achieve good indoor air quality.

Recommended audience:

ASHRAE members, those interested in the design and operation of buildings, to ensure that they are healthy spaces.

It is aimed at any type of building, whether residential or non-residential, and for regular occupation areas.

Building decarbonization goals – principles for decarbonization professionals.

Rating: Medium

Spanish language

In accordance with the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC), ASHRAE and the United Nations SDGs, built environment decarbonization goals have been established so that, by 2030, all new buildings will be designed and constructed to have zero emissions of carbon in their life cycle, and by 2050, all buildings achieve the same objective.

As the built environment is responsible for about 40% of GHG emissions, it is important that our entire industry works to achieve these ambitious goals that we have set for ourselves and that are essential to be able to leave future generations a better planet than the one we have. currently.

ASHRAE has a group of standards ready to have the tools for the evaluation of Zero Net Energy and Zero Net Carbon, so it is very important to understand between these two major concepts and what they mean in buildings, to be able to analyze, determine energy consumption and emissions and their reduction, to achieve these levels and the decarbonization of the built environment.

The minimum requirements and steps to obtain the CDP (Certified Decarbonization Professional) from ASHRAE will be reviewed.

Recommended audience:

ASHRAE members, those interested in the decarbonization of buildings. Built Environment Owners, Developers, Designers, Operators and Consultants

It is aimed at any type of building, whether residential or non-residential, and for regular occupation areas.