Marwa Zaatari, PhD
D ZINE Partners
600 Congress Avenue, 14th floor
Austin, TX 78701
United States
Region: VIII
Honorarium: None
Languages Spoken:
Zaatari, PhD

Dr. Zaatari is an ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer, a member of the ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force Commercial team and will serve on the USGBC board of directors starting January 2021. She is a member of several ASHRAE Committees, voting member of Standard 62.1, Chair for TRG4 Indoor Air Quality Procedure, Vice Chair of MTG.HWBE Health and Wellness in the built environment, Vice Chair of TC2.3 gaseous removal contaminants, Voting Member Standard 145.2 laboratory test method for gas-phase air cleaning systems, IAQ2020 Conference organizer, LEED Committee member, and ex-Chair of LEED IAQP Working Group.

Dr. Marwa Zaatari is Partner at D ZINE Partners. She leads the research of “Air as a Service” around indoor air quality, filtration and air cleaning systems, and IAQ measurements to design and operate buildings for optimal energy and people efficiency.

Dr. Zaatari has extensive experience in identifying and quantifying the sources, fate, and transport of indoor air pollutants, building energy and environmental management, assessing performance-based procedures of HVAC ventilation and air cleaning, and developing and applying models for energy efficiency, indoor air quality, exposure assessment, and economic impacts of indoor air pollution.

Prior to founding D ZINE Partners, Dr. Zaatari was Vice President of Building Solutions at enVerid Systems since 2015, and currently serves on the Board of Advisors. She leads the design of ventilation and filtration/sorption systems in buildings, integration into HVAC systems, and was responsible for managing customer-site installation and ongoing operations and field service.

Dr. Zaatari earned a PhD in Architectural and Environmental Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin with a focus on the built environment and a master’s degree in engineering management from The American University of Beirut, Lebanon with a focus on energy management.

ASHRAE Standard 62.1 IAQP
This course provides detailed instruction on how to design using the IAQ procedure of ASHRAE Standard 62.1: design considerations with respect to IAQ, indoor and outdoor contaminants/indicator of pollution list and thresholds, measurements requirements, and how these requirements differ from different Standard requirements. A case study performed on a high-rise Class A office building will be used to demonstrate the different impact of air cleaning and ventilation solutions, indoor air quality field measurements, and building performance energy measurement and verification.
Control of Infectious Aerosols
ASHRAE, through its Epidemic Task Force, provided timely leadership in responding to the COVID19 pandemic from March 2020 through June 2022. At the request of the White House, ASHRAE undertook its own project Warp Speed to build on that expertise for the future. In December 2022, the ASHRAE Board committed to quickly writing a standard to make buildings more resilient against infectious aerosols ahead of the next epidemic. In only four months the project committee created and won approval for ASHRAE Standard 241-2023. In this Lecture a member of the 241 project committee will provide a summary of the standard including its purpose, scope, and key requirements with supporting background.
Basic Requirements of ASHRAE Standard 62.1

ASHRAE 62.1 is fundamentally changed from the version of 62 that was the basis for many building codes. This presentation provides an overview of the standard with emphasis on the most recent changes.

1. Overall Direction for Modifications to Standard 62.1 SSPC 62.1’s mission is to maintain a design standard providing ventilation procedures for acceptable indoor air safety and quality for the built environment. After a year of discussions, the committee made an important decision. That decision is to make the quality of indoor air more comparable between the different pathways. This presentation addresses the modifications to ASHRAE standard 62.1 in the 2019 version.
2. The New NVP The natural ventilation procedure has changed over the years in 62.1. It was relocated from section 5 to section 6 and became a ventilation procedure. It was recently modified to require mechanical ventilation with certain exceptions. This addendum provides specific requirements for the exception by providing a clear compliance path. It also recognizes that there are inherent health issues with outdoor air in many locations in the world and updates the prescriptive requirements based on recent studies and airflow evaluations.
3. The New IAQP This presentation discusses the design requirements of the New IAQP. Those requirements include; identification of contaminants of concern, determining indoor and outdoor sources, identifying a concentration limit and exposure period, specifying percentage of building occupants to be satisfied with perceived IAQ and performing a mass balance analysis for selected compounds.
4. Changes to the VRP Ventilation Rate Procedure is the prescriptive design procedure presented in Section 6.2, in which outdoor air intake rates are determined based on space type/application, occupancy level, and floor area, shall be permitted to be used for any zone or system. Informative Note: The Ventilation Rate Procedure minimum rates are based on contaminant sources and source strengths that are typical for the listed occupancy categories. The requirements for atypical sources are spelled out in new addenda. There is a simplified VRP that incorporates a default Ev. This helps designers who do not wish to perform the more complex calculations in Appendix A. The use of this simplified procedure is described.
V in HVAC – Energy Efficient HVAC Systems Design
This course provides instruction on how to design a more efficient ventilation system using the indoor air quality procedure. The course covers constant volume, VAV recirculating systems, DOAS with VRF and chilled beams for single zone and multiple spaces. For each ventilation system, the course provides energy modeling comparison of cooling and heating energy savings using the indoor air quality procedure.
Going Beyond the Minimums
Indoor environmental conditions can have wide-ranging and costly impacts on human health, well-being and productivity. The economic benefits of the work performance improvements will often far outweigh the costs of providing better indoor environmental quality. However, the idea of a healthy building has been made too complicated due to diversity of pollutants, pollutant sources, and the resulting challenge in the comparison of the impacts of different control strategies on energy consumption and indoor air quality. This course summarizes the foundations for a healthy building through practical actionable checklist from ASHRAE IAQ guide and present stretch goals to optimize health and productivity. The course will go over calculations from a case study of class A office tower buildings that achieved superior air quality through a series of performance-based approaches without a negative impact on energy.
V in HVAC - Energy Savings using the Indoor Air Quality Procedure
V is the third leg in the three-legged stool of HVAC. This follow-up course to the basic and intermediate courses provides instruction on how to design a ventilation system using the indoor air quality procedure (IAQP). The course covers details of the calculations required. To assist in the calculations a new spreadsheet is provided along with instructions. Students are encouraged to bring a laptop and practice a calculation in the class. It also provides basics for dynamic IAQP design and compares the energy used between the types of ventilation systems.
How to Implement Demand Control Ventilation and Comply with ASHRAE Standards
ASHRAE standards 90.1 and 189P require demand control ventilation in some instances. ASHRAE standard 62.1 allows demand control ventilation but places restrictions on its application. Many existing installations do not comply with the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 62.1. What is required and what strategies and technologies can be used to meet the requirements of the all the standards?
Air Cleaning (Particulate Filtration, Portable and In-Duct Air Cleaners, Coil Cleaning) and Airborne Infectious Diseases
This course provides an overview of air cleaning to minimize infectious diseases spread using ASHRAE COVID-19 filtration and disinfection framework. How to select particulate filters, air cleaners, and how to determine coil cleaning frequency and design considerations with respect to pressure drop, efficiency for different particulate size, by-pass, clean air delivery rate, and by-products will be reviewed. Different approaches using one or combination of control methods will be compared from energy and indoor air quality impact.