Gutemberg Rios
PRIMATE Intelligence Consulting Ltda
CLN 214, Bloco C, Sala 221
Asa Norte, Brasília/DF 70.873-530
+55 61 98122-4345
Region: XII
Honorarium: None

Gutemberg is a Mechanical Engineer graduated from the University of Brasília (UnB), with an MBA in Financial Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas and a Post-MBA in Valuation from the Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets – IBMEC, with a Post-Graduation in Clinical Engineering from Faculdade UNYLEYA. Professional with 21 years of experience and experience in business conglomerates, multinationals and large companies, having worked in both the technical and management areas. He worked as an engineer responsible for deployments, renovations, expansions, expansions and maintenance of equipment and large facilities in Brazil, and works in Asset Management combined with diagnosis with a proposal for improvements to Facilities and Buildings.

Enthusiast of the Brazilian potential for generating wealth and value, he participated in the management and coordination of large infrastructure projects in Brazil and abroad [Brasília International Airport, São Francisco Transposition, Hydroelectric Power Plant (UHE) Balsa Inferior, Irrigation Project SINOP, EVTEA Project (Technical, Economic and Environmental Feasibility Study) of the North-South Railway, Rio Branco Airport Project, FIOL Supervision Project (West-East Integration Railway), East-West Archeology Project, Waterway Transport Project, UHE Baguari, Barra dos Coqueiros HPP, Caçu HPP, AngloAmerica Nickel Processing Plant, Fixed and remote concrete plants, UNILEVER-Kibon Industrial Refrigeration Plant, Hospital do Coração do Brasil, Hemoclinic Blood Bank]. With experience in remote sensing and monitoring [IIoT], with optimization of asset management and maintenance, of Hydroelectric Plants [UHE Tucuruí, UHE Balbina, UHE Coaracy Nunes, UHE Caçu and UHE Barra dos Coqueiros]

He currently collaborates with ASHRAE where he has signed up for the following Technical Committees: TC01.07 - Business, Management & General Legal Education; TC01.13 - Optimization; TC07.03 - Operation, Maintenance and Cost Management; TC09.06 - Healthcare Facilities

He served as a member of the board of directors of the National Federation of Mechanical and Industrial Engineers (FENEMI), of ABEMEC-DF (Brazilian Association of Mechanical Engineers, DF section) and of three other medium-sized national companies, exercising a voting position in high-level boards administration in a total of 7 companies. He co-created CORISCO (Condominial RISK Control program), INBEX (Brazilian Initiative for the Development of Executives), EVOLVE Socioambiental (Project for managing the environmental impacts of enterprises and gas stations), BIZUBOX (tool for the democratization of BI – Business Intelligence), TORREdoTOMBO Magazine (Industrial engineering communication magazine), Engenharia&Prosa (Communication channel and engineering product launch). In 2016, he took over the coordination of the College of Regional Entities (CDER-DF, college that brings together the presidents of the 10 class entities registered with CREA-DF, covering all engineering segments) which is a consultative forum of the presidency of CREA-DF. DF (Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy of the Federal District) establishing a system of strategic planning of action, contemplating the approximation of the regional to educational institutions, promoting engineering events, bringing society closer to the body and providing integration between the CREAs (Councils Engineering and Agronomy Regional Offices) with the aim of standardizing operations and fostering excellence in management. In 2017 he was reappointed as coordinator for another term.

He operates in the development of optimized solutions in air conditioning, refrigeration and exhaustion systems, as well as in Financial Engineering with a focus on diagnosing, evaluating and structuring operations, companies and the development of large and medium-sized businesses, operating in the segments: Blood Bank, Civil Construction, Import and Foreign Trade, Industrial Installations, Transport Modes and Investment Funds.

PMOC (Maintenance, Operation and Control Plan) presented in a block diagram as an asset management tool

The maintenance, operation and control plan (PMOC) applied to air conditioning systems, in addition to being constituted in a legal and regulatory framework in Brazil that made it mandatory in buildings for public or collective use, has the essential characteristic of being a method management of HVAC and refrigeration assets, thus a didactic approach that allows listeners a systemic view of the entire process can allow a better use and efficient use of resources, as well as guarantee the availability of systems and equipment and safeguard the health of occupants of air-conditioned indoor environments, as well as adequate sanitary conditions for food.

This presentation will provide participants with a systemic view of a maintenance model based on current regulations and legislation that seek to maintain health, availability of machines, quality of life, increase in useful life and sizing of necessary labor, as well as enabling the vision of developing integrated solutions to technological advances.

Recommended audience:

To students who seek a better understanding of the maintenance market niche, facility managers who seek to update maintenance management models and engineers who seek to see market opportunities.

Implementation of value-added management

Given the current scenario of growth in specialization levels, as well as an increase in the number of companies accessing the medium market, establish criteria that allow managers and resident engineers to understand the critical production chain of their production plant, as well as ensure a visualization of the stages of production, seeing where the points are most sensitive in terms of values added to each stage of the process (both from the perspective of costs and the necessary revenue counterpart) and with that where he must make more efforts to obtain more significant results bringing to the agenda the foundations of the value-added management system and the formation of internal results centers.

This presentation will provide participants with a systemic view of a management model based on valuing executive actions and monitoring their impacts, providing an internal critical analysis of companies.

Recommended audience:

To students who seek a better understanding of management systems, facility managers who seek to optimize the resources to be employed and engineers who seek to see market opportunities and to entrepreneurs who aim to deliver optimized solutions on demand.

Pricing of services and maintenance operations

Most entrepreneurs get lost in answering simple questions about their business and operations, such as: What is your gross margin? Which product or service is most profitable? Where to reduce costs in order to minimize production impacts? So understanding how to price your services and monitor your company's value over time can allow you to evaluate your actions and the impact of your decisions not only on immediate revenue but also on your company's value. However, knowing how to price your services allows you to have better control and efficient use of available resources to gain better competitiveness and increase the quality of services provided, thus guaranteeing a healthy environment for sustainable growth.

This presentation will provide participants with a systemic view of the variables that directly and indirectly affect the values of the services provided, allowing them to define monitoring procedures suitable for their market niche.

Recommended audience:

To students who seek a better understanding of market price formation, company managers who seek to update management and control models, and engineers who seek to see competitive market opportunities.