María Verónica Verónica Rosón
Supercontrols SA
Chacabuco 365 - Vicente Lopez - BsAs
Air humidity and its importance in different industrial processes

The water vapor contained in the air is not tangible. It cannot be seen or touched. It has no color, sound, or smell. Therefore, generally the issue of humidity is one of the least understood aspects in what has to do with Air Conditioning, but nevertheless, it is a very important factor that we cannot fail to take into account since it influences both health and human comfort, as the different industrial processes.

Natural lighting
Lighting is one of the cornerstones that guarantee Interior Environmental Quality. The recommended lighting level for each activity is usually tabulated and can be maintained artificially or using natural lighting, which has great advantages over artificial lighting. Better use of energy, it is provided by completely renewable energy and, as it is variable throughout the day, it helps the inhabitants of our buildings from a physiological and psychological point of view.
Indoor environmental quality
The four cornerstones, according to ASHRAE, of indoor air quality are: Thermal Comfort, Acoustic Comfort, Light Comfort, and Air Quality. Fundamental conditions so that the tasks carried out in the different environments can be carried out comfortably. In this presentation we will talk in detail about each of them.
Indoor pool heating
Indoor heated swimming pools are large consumers of energy and if they are not well resolved, the risks of both interstitial and surface condensation are very high. Which generates very corrosive environments. The damage caused by humidity in these enclosures can be only aesthetic or go further and compromise the structures involved.