Christiane Lacerda is a chemical engineer, graduated from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. She has over 27 years of experience in the chemical treatment and water analysis industry. She holds a Master of Business Administration in Strategic and Economic Business Management. She is an Air Quality and Pollution in Indoor Environments (PECE/USP) specialist and also has large experience in chemical treatment and laboratory analysis of water, indoor air and effluents. Other knowledge and experience includes: Professional Coach, certified by the Latin American Coach Society (SLAC) and recognized by the Association for Coaching (AC), European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC), International Association of Coaching (IAC) and Professional Coaching Alliance (PCA), DiSC Behavioral Profile Evaluator (ATools), Mentor in the “Elas na Industria” program at FIESP; Member of the FIRJAN Women's Council; Member of the “Academia Europeia da Alta Gestão”; Bibliographic coordinator and director at iATOS; Professor at the E-class Institute; Co-advisor of the ASHRAE Brasil Chapter student group RJ; President of SINDRATAR RJ; President of ABEMEC-RJ; Executive Director at GHS Brasil.
Water conditioning for use in cooling systems
This presentation addresses important concepts from the perspective of water that is used in cooling systems, as well as important precautions that the operation must take to avoid corrosion, incrustation and microbiological growth. The topic is presented from the perspective of ASHRAE´s Handbook Applications (Water treatment: deposition, corrosion and biological control) - Chapter 50, with the following main topics:
• Water quality and its sources
• Types of water cooling systems
• Means to be controlled – main problems
• Corrosion, incrustation and microbiological development
• Monitoring and analytical control
Early Career: Building the beginning of a career, with a promising future!
This presentation brings concepts of soft skills for young people in the beginning of their professional careers, pointing out important aspects in the construction of this journey towards their purpose, having as main topics:
• Choosing a profession
• Choosing a place to work
• Preparing my career
• How to stand out
• Golden tips to improve your professional performance
• To think about
Women, maintenance, their challenges, paradigms and results: Beyond business barriers
This presentation seeks to inspire, through real, experienced examples, that many of the barriers perceived by women working in the STEAM area can be transposed with a good career plan and focus on what is a priority, having as main topics:
• Purpose
• Barriers faced
• Recognizing yourself
• Deconstructing labels
• Creating a career plan
Strategies to guarantee Indoor Air Quality
In this presentation, I draw attention to the concept of Indoor Air Quality, not only from the perspective of the air conditioning system, but also from the environment and the health of its user, in an approach integrated by the search for continuous improvement of indoor air quality, having as main topics:
• Indoor air quality – general concepts
• Main Contamination Focuses
• Basic Elements for a good IAQ
• Laws and norms that guide practices