Darryl Boyce
29 Horizon Cres
Kempyville, Ontario K0G1J0
Region: II
Honorarium: None
Languages Spoken:

Darryl K. Boyce, P.Eng., Fellow/Life Member ASHRAE, was the ASHRAE President for the 2019-2020 term. Boyce has previously served on the board of directors as treasurer, vice president, Director and Regional Chair Region 2 and director-at-large.

Boyce is retired and was previously special advisor to the vice-president (Finance and Administration) – and the assistant vice president of facilities management and planning – at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario

Throughout his time spent with ASHRAE and in the HVAC industry, Boyce has worked on various projects to increase energy efficiency. His most recent projects include the SNOLAB project in Sudbury, Ontario, where he is responsible for the design and construction of a world class research facility for underground science.

Boyce is a 1982 graduate of the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering and earned his Engineering Diploma from the British Columbia Institute of Technology in 1973.


Creating an Underground Research Facility to Explore the Universe

The presentation will review the research requirements and describe how these were translated into the design scope for the facility to be located 6,800 feet below ground level. We will walk through the construction challenges and review the strategies to keep this specialized facility on budget in a challenging underground construction environment. Designing for commissioning and operation will be discussed as well as the commissioning requirements.

Designing for operational Excellence.
The design of new buildings and building retrofits is critical to the ongoing operation of the building to meet the indoor environment and energy/carbon emission targets. This presentation will focus on the critical issues for the design team as well as the effective transition to operations.
Achieving Net Zero Operation in an Existing Building Retrofit – The ASHRAE Headquarters Experience
The presentation will describe the journey from the decision to purchase an existing 1970’s building through thedesign, construction, and commission of the facility. We will then explore how you can transition to effective operations to achieve the energy use targets. We will also explore the challenges and opportunities in the application of Intelligent Technology.
Decarbonization of the Built Environment - How can ASHRAE lead?
The presentation will look at how the ASHRAE standards and guidelines can shape the future of the built environment to effect reduction in carbon emissions. We will also look at the impact of ASHRAE government outreach on the legislation and regulations that directly impact the design construction and operation of the built environment.
Reducing Carbon Emissions and Achieving Enhanced Indoor Environments in a Portfolio of Buildings
The presentation will provide a roadmap to evaluate the opportunities to reduce the Energy use and Carbon emissions in existing buildings while improving the indoor environment. The presentation will demonstrate several evaluation tools that can be used to prioritize the in initiatives to be implemented in each facility.